How to Curry chicken
  1. Remove skin and fat from chicken, wash with 2 limes then rins throughly to remove lime smell

    Add all ingredients except oil and chicken , into a bowl add 1 cup of water mix throughly.

    Add oil in a pan or pot (non stick is very good) and heat add mix ingredients and stir for a few minutes (3 or 4 ) add1 cup water contuinue stirring , adding water as necessary and contuinue stirring for 6-10 minutes.

    Add chicken and stir until chicken is coated with mixture, add 1/2 cup water, stir and cover for 2-3 minutes, remove cover and continue stirring until the redness from the chicken disappear

    Add pototoes if needed

    Add 1 1/2 cups of water, cover and cook on slow heat for 8-10 minutes. Add small amounts of water if needed .

    Taste the sauce for desirable salt.

    Serve over rice or roti including dalh puri

    enough for 6 adults